Workshop on the Public Medieval

October 3-5, 2024

Blacksburg, VA


The Medieval Academy of America's jobs report from May 2023, coupled with the complementary data presented in the American Historical Association's jobs report of September 2023, demonstrate well the (potential) grim future of medieval studies in the United States. But trends are not destiny. Students continue to fill our courses across all disciplines, and (at least anecdotally) public demand for premodern or premodern-adjacent fantasy content - films, tv, books - seems to be growing. Moreover, there’s a strong case to be made that knowing more both about the medieval world and how stories about that period have been deployed in modernity, are becoming increasingly necessary. The MAA has a moment to make that case with its Centennial, both in the earned media that will accrue to medieval studies with the celebration, and in the decentralized slate of activities across the country that will accompany the year-long event.

To that end, Virginia Tech (in partnership with the University of Virginia, and with assistance from a Centennial Grant from the Medieval Academy of America) is hosting a 2-day workshop to mentor colleagues doing public-facing work. The event will be held Thursday October 3 - Saturday October 5, 2024 on the campus of Virginia Tech (Blacksburg, VA).

Tentative Schedule

(You can see a bit more detailed schedule at this link)

Thursday October 3, 2024


7-9pm -- Informal Reception for Participants, Blacksburg Wine Lab

Friday October 4, 2024

(event held in 005 Liberal Arts Building)

9am -- Light Breakfast (Panera)

9:30am -- Welcome from Matthew Gabriele & Introductions

10-11am -- “Communicating the Medieval in a Modern World”

Moderator: Matthew Gabriele

David M. Perry

Eleanor Janega

11-11:30am -- Break

11:30am-12:30pm -- “Planning, Pitching, and Community Organizing”

Moderator: Matthew Gabriele

Sarah E. Bond

Cord Whitaker

12:30-1:30pm -- Lunch

1:30-4:30pm -- Small Group Workshop with Mentors/ Mentees

4:30-5pm -- Break

5-6pm -- Closing Discussion

6:30-8:30m -- Reception/ Dinner for participants (Moss Arts Center, Balcony Lobby)

Saturday October 5, 2024


Please click here for some travel information

concert at the cloisters with people in foreground and fresco in background


The Cloisters, NYC
